This was the Zero Friction Impact event - 18th October 2022
Rewatch the lectures:
1. Trends and evolution in the heating market
Dirk Van Evercooren (Ode): Trends and evolution in the Belgian market
Learn about the trends in the Belgian energy market from a Duurzame Energie Vlaanderen, Green energy and e-mobility enthusiast who has vast experience as energy expert and former energy regulator.
Rard Rijcken: Trends and evolution in the Dutch market
Rard takes us through the journey of the Dutch Energy market and highlights the challenges and opportunities in the Dutch market based on his experience at Corporatiewarmte, Eteck, Vattenfall,..
Aurélie Beauvais (EuroHeat & Power): Trends and evolution in an European context
Euroheat & Power (EHP) is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond. Aurélie will gives us insight in evolutions in EU Energy & climate changes policies in these times of “perfect energy storm”.
2. Zero Friction impact and roadmap
Dirk Michiels and Hanna Vande Vyvere (Zero Friction): Creating Impact with Zero Friction
The energy sector is in a perfect storm – Will utility and facility players embrace digital transformation to stay relevant or will they become irrelevant in a commodity battle with disappointed end customers. Learn about how Zero Friction delivers value.
Lars Van Elewijck (Zero Friction): A roadmap for impact
The Zero Friction platform is a Software As A Service solution. The whole community of Zero Friction customers benefits of the development of the platform. Learn from Lars Van Elewijck, onboarding director about the new features planned and how you can benefit to drive Impact.
Wim Jacobs, Dirk Michiels, Lars Van Elewijck and Yoni Nijs (Zero Friction): Ask Zero Friction
3. Customers and guest speakers
Stefaan Soenen (Beauvent): Create a social basis for renewable energy
Learn how Beauvent uses the Zero Friction Platform. Beauvent raises funds to invest in wind energy, solar panels and energy-efficient applications such as cogeneration and heat networks. Beauvent applies the cooperative principle in order to create a social basis for renewable energy in which as many people as possible participate and have a say. The cooperative currently unites more than 7,700 equal shareholders.
Gertjan Linthorst (Wij Maken Energie): More than just an Energy company
“Wij Maken Energie” develops unique and patented energy systems to make a gas-free Netherlands accessible and realises and operates complete sustainable energy projects for new buildings. Close cooperation with customers ensures an optimal result with value for the entire chain. “Wij Maken Energie” likes to make an impact on the energy transition. Learn how this is achieved with Zero Friction.
Freddy Van Bogget (KBC): How to engage customers in long term value creation
As innovation manager at KBC Group Innovation Center, Freddy not only has vast experience in commercial retail and corporate banking but has been working cross domain IoT/Blockchain/Mobility/Smart City/Energy, in collaboration with members of the Flemish ’Spearhead Cluster’ Flux50. Learn how customer engagement really makes a difference.
4. Partner solutions
Ard de Reus (Gradyent): The power of Digital twin for Heating Networks
Gradyent develops a real-time digital twin for district heating networks in Europe. The digital twin enables heating companies to reduce the temperatures in their networks and reduce heat losses. A digital twin also supports integration of new sustainable sources, such as heat pumps, into existing networks. Gradyent optimizes and transforms district heating!
Roel Vandenbulcke (hysopt): The power of Digital twin for Heating Networks
A science-based HVAC calculation and simulation software, to optimise your buildings heating and cooling installations. Take actionable steps towards greener zero carbon operations.
Check out the best pictures from the live event in Antwerp: